Album Details

Adornment of the Faithful: Orthodox Chants from All-Merciful Saviour Monastery, Vashon Island (2020)
by All-Merciful Saviour Monastery
Album Tracks & Song List
- The Great Doxology
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone I
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone II
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone III
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone IV
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone V
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone VI
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone VII
- Dogmatic Theotokion Tone VIII
- Dogmatic Theotokion for the Dormition of the Mother of God
- O Queen of All Creation
- Great Compline Hymnody for the Close of the Day
- Irmoi of the Paschal Canon Based on Byzantine Chant, Tone V
- The First Antiphon - Psalm 102
- The Second Antiphon - Psalm 145
- The Hymn of St Justinian
- The Hymn of St Justinian "Only Begotten Son..."
- The Cherubikon
- It Is Truly Meet
- It Is Truly Meet "Joy of the Heavenly Hosts" Melody
- The Hymns of Thanksgiving After Holy Communion
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