Album Details
Album Tracks & Song List
- Introductory Verse / Antiphon 1 / Psalm
- Antiphon 2 / Psalm 63
- Antiphon 3 / Old Testament Canticle
- Antiphon 4 / Psalm 147b
- New Testament Reading / Responsorium
- Hymn 'Urbs Jerusalem' / Verse
- Antiphoned Canticle / 'Benedictus'
- Litany / The Lord Prayers / Conclusion Od Matins
- Introduction to Compline / 'Shema Israel' / Prayer of the Night
- Antiphon / Psalm 31
- Short Reading / Thanksgiving
- Hymn Od Compline
- Praise / Finale Blessing
- Antiphon to Our Lady
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