Album Details
Album Tracks & Song List
- The Word Became Flesh: John the Baptist (The First Disciples)
- Wedding at Cana: Cleansing of the Temple
- Nicodemus Visits Jesus: Jesus and John the Baptist
- The Woman of Samaria: Your Son Will Live
- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath: the Authority of the Son
- Feeding the Five Thousand: Jesus Walks on the Water (The Bread of Life: Lord, To Whom Shall We Go?)
- They Did Not Believe: Is This the Christ? (Rivers of Living Water)
- Light of the World: Jesus Foretells His Death (Jesus and Abraham)
- Man Born Blind Receives Sight: Spiritual Blindness
- Jesus the Good Shepherd: Rejected by the Jews
- Raising of Lazarus: Jesus Weeps (The Plot to Kill Jesus)
- Mary Anoints Jesus: Entry into Jerusalem (Father, Glorify Thy Name)
- The Last Supper: You Will Betray Me (Love One Another)
- Jesus the Way to the Father: the Promise of the Holy Spirit (The True Vine)
- The Work of the Spirit: Sorrow Will Turn to Joy (Do You Now Believe?)
- Jesus Prays for His Disciples
- Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus: Peter Denies Jesus (Jesus Condemned to Death)
- Pilate Confronts Jesus: Crucifixion of Jesus (Death and Burial)
- Resurrection: Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene and the Disciples
- Jesus Appears on the Shore: Simon, Do You Love Me? Follow Me
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