Novum Psalms: Christmas (Year C)
2021 |
Novum Psalms: Advent (Year C)
2021 |
Novum Psalms: Ordinary Time, Pt. 2 (Year B)
2021 |
Novum Psalms: Lent (Year B)
2020 |
Novum Psalms: Christmas (Year B)
2020 |
Novum Psalms: Advent (Year A)
1st Sunday of Lent (Practice Track)
3rd Sunday of Lent Psalm 103 (Practice Track)
Ash Wednesday (Practice Track)
5th Sunday of Lent Psalm 126 (Practice Track)
5th Sunday of Lent: Psalm 126 (The Lord Has Done Great Things for Us)
Good Friday (Practice Track)
Palm Sunday of the Lord?s Passion: Psalm 22 (My God My God Why Have You Abandoned Me)
4th Sunday of Lent: Psalm 34 (Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord)
Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord?s Supper: 1 Corinthians 10 (Our Blessing-Cup Is a Communion)
Holy Thursday Chrism Mass: Psalm 89 (For Ever I Will Sing)
Novum Psalms: Lent (Year C)
3rd Sunday of Lent Psalm 95 (Practice Track)
1st Sunday of Lent: Psalm 91 (Be with Me Lord When I Am in Trouble)
5th Sunday of Lent: Psalm 130 (With the Lord There Is Mercy)
2nd Sunday of Lent (Practice Track)
4th Sunday of Lent: Psalm 23 (The Lord Is My Shepherd)
3rd Sunday of Lent: Psalm 95 (If Today You Hear His Voice)
Holy Thursday Evening Mass (Practice Track)
4th Sunday of Lent Psalm 34 (Practice Track)
5th Sunday of Lent Psalm 130 (Practice Track)
Holy Thursday Chrism Mass (Practice Track)
2nd Sunday of Lent: Psalm 27 (The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation)
3rd Sunday of Lent: Psalm 103 (The Lord Is Kind and Merciful)
4th Sunday of Lent Psalm 23 (Practice Track)
Palm Sunday (Practice Track)
Good Friday of the Lord?s Passion: Luke 23 (Father into Your Hands)
The Baptism of the Lord: Psalm 104 (O Bless the Lord My Soul)
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 40 (Blessed Are They Who Hope in the Lord)
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 103 (The Lord Is Kind and Merciful)
7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
Baptism of the Lord Psalm 29 (Practice Track)
Novum Psalms: Ordinary Time Pt. 1 (Year C)
Baptism of the Lord Psalm 104 (Practice Track)
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 92 (Lord It Is Good to Give Thanks to You)
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 71 (I Will Sing of Your Salvation)
8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: John 6 (Your Words Lord Are Spirit and Life)
4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Practice Track)
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 96 (Proclaim His Marvelous Deeds)
5th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Psalm 138 (In the Sight of the Angels)
4th Sunday of Easter: Psalm 118 (The Stone Rejected by the Builders)
7th Sunday of Easter: Psalm 103 (The Lord Has Set His Throne in Heaven)
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord: Psalm 47 (God Mounts His Throne)
6th Sunday of Easter: Psalm 98 (The Lord Has Revealed to the Nations)
Easter Vigil - After the 1st Reading: Psalm 33 (The Earth Is Full of the Goodness of the Lord)
3rd Sunday of Easter: Psalm 4 (Lord Let Your Face Shine on Us)
Divine Mercy Sunday: Psalm 118 (Give Thanks to the Lord for He Is Good)
Easter Sunday: Psalm 118 (This Is the Day the Lord Has Made)
5th Sunday of Easter: Psalm 22 (I Will Praise You Lord)
Novum Psalms: Easter (Year B)
Easter Vigil After the 1st Reading: Psalm 104 (Lord Send out Your Spirit)
Unsorted Songs
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