Album Details

Sacred Ceremonies 2: Tantric Hymns and Music of Tibetan Buddhism
by Monks Of The Dip Tse Chok Ling Monastery
Album Tracks & Song List
- Sounds of the Conch Shell for Remembering Death
- Invocation of Deities Through Ritual Instruments, Gya Ling
- The Auspicious Verses of Guru Puja
- Hymns and Music for Inviting Deities and Dharma Protectors
- The Vase Initiation of Yamantaka
- The Great Empowerment of Bandruya, King of the Universe
- Kang Ling, An Instrument Made From a Human Thigh Bone
- Emanations of Buddha
- Auspicious Sounds of Instruments in Nine Repetitions
- Dissolving the Visualization of the Field of Merit
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