Album Details

Hymns of the Catholic Church: Catholic Hymns for Reflection, Quiet Time, Music for Prayer
by Robbins Island Music Group
Album Tracks & Song List
- How Great Thou Art (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Ave Maria (Schubert) (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Amazing Grace (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Praise to the Lord the Almighty (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Rock of Ages (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- We Gather Together (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Joyful, Joyful (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- He Is Born (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- O Holy Night (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- All Things Bright and Beautiful (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Sweet Hour of Prayer (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Catholic Piano Hymns)
- Praise the Lord Oh My Soul (Catholic Piano Hymns)
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