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![SEGA Music Collection, Vol. 1 Album Artwork](
SEGA Music Collection, Vol. 1
Artist: 20-Bit Dream- Shinobi 3 - Shinobi Walk
- Monster World IV/Wonderboy 6 - Rapadagna Town
- Shinning Force - Battle 3 (Circus Tent Battle)
- Wonderboy In Monster World - Biomecha
- Jurassic Park - Visitor Center
- Puggsy - Darkblade Forest
- Earthworm Jim - Psycrow
- Phantasy Star 2 - Intro
- Ristar - Planet Flora Act 1
- Dragons Fury - Main Theme
- Toejam
- Phantasy Star 3 - Dungeon 3
- Battletoads - Ice Cave
- Aladdin - Rug Ride
- Ecco 2 (Tides Of Time) - Atlantis Ruins
- Mega Man The Wily Wars - Credits
- Hellfire - Stage 1
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Aquatic Ruins Zone
- Flashback - Memory Recovered
- Batman - Gotham City Streets
- Ghosts
- Sonic
- Castlevania - Bloody Tears
- Revenge Of Shinobi - Chinatown
- Mortal Kombat - Title Screen (Code Of Honor)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Boss Theme
- Dungeons
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3 - Hydrocity Zone
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Metropolis Zone
- Sonic The Hedgehog - Marble Zone
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Chemical Plant Zone
- Vectorman - Day 3 (Tidal Surge)