I feel lonely, but Lord, I'm not alone
I feel broken, but You can make me whole
I feel lonely, but Lord, I'm not alone
I feel broken, but You can make me whole
And I'm hurting, but through these trials You've shown
That I'm not alone, that You can make me whole
And that God, You are my own!
So I praise You! In my heart I feel Your grace
And it's healing me, God, it is bringing me through,
And it's mending my brokenness
As I praise You, as I'm on my knees in this place
Just to tell You, God, how much You're worth
As I fall down on my face
As I praise
I'm afraid, Lord, but Father, You're in control
I'm confused, God, but You will make it known
And I'm hurting, but through these trials You've shown
That You are in control, that You will make it known
And that God, You're still my own!
Repeat Chorus
Jesus, Name above all names, Beautiful Savior, Glorious Lord
Emmanuel, God is with us, Blessed Redeemer, Living Word
Repeat Chorus
So I praise You! For Your presence in this place
You are healing me, God, You are bringing me through
And You're mending my brokenness
As I praise You, as I'm on my knees in this place
Just to worship You, God, to cry out to You
As I fall down on my face
As I praise
'As I Praise' by Daniel Chookaszian
with 'Jesus Name Above All Names' by Naida Hearn
' 2010 Abel's Offering, LLC
' 1974, 1978 Scripture in Song/Maranatha Music/ASCAP (All rights admin. by Music Services. All rights reserved.)