(Oh, hi everybody, we really appreciate it. Oh man, we've been a...our band has been together for a long time. Most of us grew up together and we've known each other since we were kids, and these guys...Paul has been in a band with Gene since he was like twelve. And, you know, we've been coming to Cornerstone and it's always something that we look forward to, and we have come to Cornerstone as a family. Those of you in a band know what I'm talking about: you just become brothers and sisters, and we came this year minus a member, you know, minus our brother. But I just want you guys to know that Gene...this was so important to Gene. Cornerstone and you guys, he just loved you so much, and he would just be so happy that we're all here, celebrating his music and...I just want you to know how much we appreciate you, and you guys have been loyal, you know, to us and supportive all these years. And it really means a lot to us, and it meant a lot to Gene too. And we miss him, we love him, and he's with our Heavenly Father now, but we'll try to honour...honour his music the best we can. Hope you...hope you enjoy it.)