I bore your sins in my body on the tree
That you might die to sin and live (1 Pet. 2:24)
I'm your peace (Eph. 2:14)
Can a woman forget her nursing son'
These may forget yet I will not (Isa. 49:15)
You're engraved in the palms of my hands (Isa. 49:16)
You are saved and
No one will snatch you out of my hand (John 10:28)
You're engraved
I was like a lamb that is led to the slaughter (Isa. 53:7)
Making an offering
For your sin I poured out my soul and saw (Isa. 53:12)
My offspring (Isa. 53:10)
If you receive me
Believe in my name
The right to be called
God's children you'll claim (John 1:12)
You're engraved in the palms of my hands (Isa. 49:16)
You are saved and
No one will snatch you out of my hand (John 10:28)
For the joy set before me
I endured the cross (Heb. 12:2)
There is joy in heaven
Over one who turns to God (Luke 15:7)
In my anguish I saw and was satisfied (Isa. 53:11)
You're my joy for you I died
You're engraved in the palms of my hands (Isa. 49:16)
You are saved and
No one will snatch you out of my hand (John 10:28)
You're engraved
I am with you always
To the end (Matt. 28:20)