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#13: It All Started When...
Artist: Adventures in Odyssey- 167: Dobson Comes to Town
- 167a: Bonus! The Creation Of
- 179: You Gotta Be Wise
- 179a: Bonus! The Creation Of The Adventures In Odyssey Theme Song
- 180: Isaac the Pure
- 181: It Takes Integrity
- 182: The Scales of Justice
- 182a: Bonus! Aio Time Filler Features
- 182b: Bonus! Super Sleuth - Your Skin
- 182c: Bonus! Mr. How-To - The House Built On Sand
- 182d: Bonus! Ancient World Of Sports - Gideon
- 182e: Bonus! Apostle Paul - Paul, Apostle Paul
- 182f: Bonus! Apostle Paul - Armed And Ready
- 182g: Bonus! And You Think You
- 182h: Bonus! And You Think You
- 182i: Bonus! And You Think You
- 182j: Bonus! Fairy Tale Action News - Humpty Dumpty
- 183: Tales of Moderation
- 184: Isaac the Chivalrous
- 184a: Bonus! The Music Of
- 185: A Question of Loyalty
- 186: The Conscientious Cross-Guard
- 187: An Act of Nobility
- 188: The Courage to Stand
- 189: No, Honestly!
- 192: Modesty is the Best Policy