I Believe The Promise
Russell Fragar
? 1995 Russell Fragar/Hillsongs Publishing (administered in the U.S. and Canada by Integrity's Hosanna! Music)/ASCAP
I believe the promise
About the visions and the dreams
That the Holy Spirit will be poured out
And His power will be seen
Well the time is now and the place is here
And His people have come in faith
There's a mighty sound and a touch of fire
When we gather in one place
I believe that the presence of God is here
There's not one thing that can't be changed
When the Spirit of God is near
I believe that the presence of God is here
Where two or three people are gathered
When people rise in faith
I believe God answers
And His presence is in this place
Nothing on earth or Heaven
Can stop the power of God
Into our hands is given
The call to take it on
No ocean can contain it
No star can rise above
Into our hearts is given
The power of His love
In this place
His presence is in this place
Presence in this place
In this place