Isaiah 53:2-5
'He had no form or majesty that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him. 3 He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces, He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. 4 Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. 5 But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes, we are healed.
Talk of the town was that the Messiah was on His way.
Palm branches laid across the road like cloaks of chambray.
People were cheering and celebrating with great joy.
They were clapping and worshipping God with great noise.
The Pharisees spewed their hatred, told the crowd to die down.
But if they ceased to praise, the stones surely would've cried out!
The fulfillment of prophecies embodied in this man of glory
entered the city on a donkey' This' a Cinderella story.
But then it gets gory as the Son of Man
sees hell opened up before Him - He could barely stand it.
Though He was innocent, He was whipped and gashed,
stripped and laughed at, and was forced to wear a thorn crown as a cap.
Nails through His wrist and feet, then hung up on a wooden beam.
See His body, bruised and abused, dangling there for humanity.
Yo it was all a part of the Father's plan to redeem the sinful people
giving them a way by sending Jesus, the spotless Lamb to die for their evil.
This is our King; lift your praises, go and sing it loud!
This is our King; our allegiance to Christ, we say it proud!
This is our King; exalted above the highest throne!
He's coming BACK on His chariot to take us home!
This is our King; lift your praises, go and sing it loud!
This is our King; if we're silent even the stones will shout!
Jesus our King; exalted above the highest throne!
He's coming BACK on His chariot to take us home!
Sam Ock:
Words could not express the sorrow in those darkened hours
The perfect Lamb...dead, the followers they cowered
It appeared that sin had beaten down the one they thought
To be the Son of think His body would rot!
So the women they visit the grave the third day
They find the entrance to the tomb open, rolled away!
They see the empty deathbed, empty strips of linen
A man dressed in white declares to them that 'He is risen!'
The Son of Man, victorious over sin and death
Crushing the serpent's head, overcame the sinner's debt
Enduring all the wrath of God for the adam's stains
Opening the gate to Eden, where His holy presence reigns
And the message He gave when He left us, was a mission to carry this news
The Spirit he gives to all men, who carry the cross of Christ to all Jews
and every gentile that the risen one of God is the only way to eternal life
given in surrender, risen in perfection, live out the name of Jesus Christ!
Eyes blazing with fire, blood dripping from His robe and attire
He's coming back with the armies of heaven, nobody knows what time or the hour
Like a thief in the night, He's seeking the righteous ones patiently waiting for the groom
Jesus the Christ, who's seeking the light, burning in the lamps in those refusing to move (Mathew 25:1-13)
He's treading the wine press of fury releasing His judgement over the wicked
I say this with urgency to unbelievers and those who haven't submitted
He's coming back with a vengeance, releasing a wrath poured out from the heavens
A fiery lake of sulphur awaiting the devil and those in rebellion
But those of the remnant, Jesus leads us into the gifts of the Groom
The rooms He prepared in His Father's house in John chapter 14 verse 2
His children are revealed, creation no longer anxiously waits (Romans 8:19)
Adoptions final course where the sons and daughters are taking their place
A new heaven and earth, a New Jerusalem descends (Rev. 21:1-4)
Making His dwelling with man wiping away the death and the pain, safe in His reign
Eternally perfect, glorified bodies, oh how He's worthy
His Sovereign plan completed, the Garden of Eden restored for His glory
Revelation 21:6-7
'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.