I see the Lord and His train fills the temple
I see the Lord, He is high and lifted up.
I see the Lord and His train fills the temple
I see the Lord, He is high and lifted up.
Angels cry holy, holy is the Lord
Angels cry holy, holy is the Lord
I see the Lord and His eyes are flaming like fire
I see the Lord and His hair is white as snow
Angels cry holy, holy is the Lord
Angels cry holy, holy is the Lord
The angel came and touched the coal to my lips
My guilt is gone and my sin has been forgiven
And I cry holy, holy is the Lord
And I cry holy, holy is the Lord
And the temple is filled with the glory of God
And the whole earth is filled with the glory of God
He called to me 'Whom shall I send''
I answered Him 'I will go for You'
And I cry holy, holy is the Lord
And I cry holy, holy is the Lord