I stand in awe of you
For I have seen your glory
I bow before your throne of majesty
I stand amazed at you
So powerful and holy
I bow before the highest royalty
For you are worthy, worthy
Worthy of all my love
Worthy of all that I can give
Yes you are worthy, worthy
Worthy of all I have
So I give my life to you again
All I want to be, all that I desire
I surrender now to you my King
For you have let me see
A glimpse of your great glory
You deserve my highest loyalty
I am not my own
I'm bought with a price
I belong to you
I'm bought with a price
You gave your blood to purchase my life
I would do anything you ask of me
Anything you say
For you are worthy of all that I can give
I would go anywhere you ask me to
Anywhere you say
Lord I gladly give my life to you again