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Album Tracks
Where Glory Dwells
Artist: Anna Ferraro- The Sands of Time (Prelude) / Down to the River to Pray / Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
- Lily of the Valley / The Lord's My Shepherd
- I Come to the Garden / It's Me, O Lord
- Michael, Row the Boat Ashore / In the Sweet / Swing Low
- Give Me Jesus / Blessed Assurance / Heavenly Sunlight
- God's Gonna Trouble the Waters / On Jordan's Stormy Banks / Unclouded Day
- Praise Him, Praise Him / When We All Get to Heaven
- Blest Be the Tie / Let Us Break Bread Together / Come and Dine
- Shall We Gather at the River / Gonna Lay Down My Burdens
- The Sands of Time (Reprise) / Deep River
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