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Album: Grace Shining Forth
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"St Raphael Apolytikion (Byzantine Tone 3)"
by Antiochian Youth Music MinistryAlbum: Grace Shining Forth
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Grace Shining Forth
Artist: Antiochian Youth Music Ministry- Polyeleos Psalm 135: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord (Harmonized Byzantine Tone 1)
- Polyeleos Psalm 135: O Give Thanks Unto the Lord (Triple Meter Byzantine Tone 1)
- Arise O God (Turchaninov)
- Arise O God (Byzantine Tone 7)
- Hymn of the Unwaning Light (Byzantine Tone 5)
- Angels in the Heavens (Byzantine Tone 6)
- Come Ye Take Light (Obikhod Tone 6)
- St Raphael Apolytikion (Byzantine Tone 3)
- St Raphael Troparion (Byzantine Tone 1)
- St Raphael Troparion (Obikhod Tone 1)
- St John Chrysostom Troparion (Byzantine Tone 8)
- Trisagion Hymn (Harmonized Byzantine Tone 3)
- Trisagion Hymn (Byzantine Tone 1)
- O Pure Virgin (Byzantine Tone 5)
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