Parody of "Back in the U.S.S.R." by The Beatles
(Matthew 5:17, Galatians 3:24-25, 2 Timothy 3:16)
Ooh I finally finished readin' the O-L-D Hebrew Testament last night
All the way I prayed that God would have mercy
Man, I'm glad that we've got Christ
I'm back in the New Testament
You don't know what you got till it's gone, boy
Back in the New Testament
Genesis was long -- I hardly noticed it
Gee, it didn't seem that long
Three weeks later on I'm stuck in Exodus
Wonderin' what the heck went wrong
I'm back in the New Testament
With Matthew, Mark, Luke and then John, boy
Acts of the Apostles, next the Epistles
Last the Apocalypse of John
Well, the Jewish laws came from God's own mouth
Please don't get me wrong
But God's own Son came to live 'em out
He told us that in Ma-ma-matthew 5 verse 17 all along
I'm back in the New Testament
We're only half done with this song, boy
Back in the New Testament
Well, you can't have Jesus Christ without
The Old Testament
The Law was given to point sin out
And lead us all to Christ - Galatians 3:24-25, my oh my
Moses' laws, the Psalms and Prophets they all count
Take them as your Daddy's word
Genesis through Malachi - I read them all
But admit that I prefer
To be back in the New Testament
You don't know what you got till it's gone, boy
Back in the New Testament
*NOTE: To get this song to rhyme correctly, whenever the word "Testament" appears in the chorus, you should pronounce it like this: "Test-a-MONT," so it sounds kind of French. Try it; it works! When the word appears in the verse, just pronounce it the regular way.

Artist: ApologetiX- Somebody Sold Me
- None Too Ladylike
- Jehovah
- Save Your Voice Quiet Down Boy
- Boulevard of Both Extremes
- Rocky s Now My Name
- Heavenly Hill
- Spread the Way Galilee Beach Boys
- Bone Digger
- Bad Dad
- Back in the New Testament
- Jericho
- Superficial
- Humpty Dumpty Country Club
- Swimmer
- Here I Go Against All I ve Known
- Ephesians
- Won t Get Born Again
- Want it Dead or Alive
- Singled You Out