"Hey Zaccheus (Parody of "Take It Easy" By The Eagles)"
by ApologetiXAlbum: Apologetix Classics: Country
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Apologetix Classics: Country
Artist: ApologetiX- Choose Your Daddy (Parody of "Who's Your Daddy" By Toby Keith)
- Choose Your Daddy (Parody of "Who's Your Daddy")
- Bends to Low Places (Parody of "Friends In Low Places" By Garth Brooks)
- Bends to Low Places (Parody of "Friends In Low Places")
- Save Your Voice (Quiet Down Boy) (Parody of "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" By Big
- Save Your Voice (Quiet Down Boy) (Parody of "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)")
- Good News Bookie (Parody of "Boot Scootin' Boogie" By Brooks
- Good News Bookie (Parody of "Boot Scootin' Boogie")
- Humpty Dumpty Country Club (Parody of "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" By Trace Adkins)
- Humpty Dumpty Country Club (Parody of "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk")
- People Are Lazy (Parody of "People Are Crazy" By Billy Currington)
- People Are Lazy (Parody of "People Are Crazy")
- The Devil Went Down to Jordan (Parody of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" By Charlie Daniels)
- The Devil Went Down to Jordan (Parody of "The Devil Went Down to Georgia")
- Fakey Shaky Parts (Parody of "Achy Breaky Heart" By Billy Ray Cyrus)
- Fakey Shaky Parts (Parody of "Achy Breaky Heart")
- Elijah (Parody of "Elvira" By Oak Ridge Boys)
- Elijah (Parody of "Elvira")
- Scripture (Parody of "Picture" By Kid Rock
- Scripture (Parody of "Picture")
- I've Got Elijah Fightin' Baal (Parody of "I've Got a Tiger By the Tail" By Buck Owens)
- I've Got Elijah Fightin' Baal (Parody of "I've Got a Tiger By the Tail")
- Hey Zaccheus (Parody of "Take It Easy" By The Eagles)
- Hey Zaccheus (Parody of "Take It Easy")
- Sweet Oholibamah (Parody of "Sweet Home Alabama" By Lynyrd Skynyrd)
- Sweet Oholibamah (Parody of "Sweet Home Alabama")
- Not Logs Lincoln (Parody of "Hot Rod Lincoln" By Commander Cody)
- Not Logs Lincoln (Parody of "Hot Rod Lincoln")