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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Play Nice
Artist: ApologetiX- He Spoke The Stroke Billy Squier
- He Spoke (Parody of "the Stroke")
- He Spoke (Parody of
- Act Selfless Black Velvet Alannah Myles
- Act Selfless (Parody of "Black Velvet")
- Act Selfless (Parody of
- Desperate Queen Dancing Queen ABBA
- Desperate Queen (Parody of "Dancing Queen")
- Desperate Queen (Parody of
- Psalms Come True Song Sung Blue Neil Diamond
- Psalms Come True (Parody of "Song Sung Blue")
- Psalms Come True (Parody of
- We Got the Feet We Got the Beat The Go Go s
- We Got the Feet (Parody of "We Got the Beat")
- We Got the Feet (Parody of
- Sheba She Bop Cyndi Lauper
- Sheba (Parody of "She Bop")
- Sheba (Parody of
- Tufftumbling Tubthumping Chumbawamba
- Tufftumbling (Parody of "Tubthumping")
- Tufftumbling (Parody of
- Patients Patience Guns N Roses
- Patients (Parody of "Patience")
- Patients (Parody of
- Drop Your Knife and Hurry Man Rock You Like a Hurricane The Scorpions
- Drop Your Knife and Hurry, Man (Parody of "Rock You Like a Hurricane")
- Drop Your Knife and Hurry, Man (Parody of
- Unfinished Job Unskinny Bop Poison
- Unfinished Job (Parody of "Unskinny Bop")
- Unfinished Job (Parody of
- Talking Inner Peace Talking in Your Sleep The Romantics
- Talking Inner Peace (Parody of "Talking in Your Sleep")
- Talking Inner Peace (Parody of
- To Be Rebuked To Be with You Mr Big
- To Be Rebuked (Parody of "to Be with You")
- To Be Rebuked (Parody of