"Revelation Man (Parody of "Secret Agent Man" By Johnny Rivers)"
by ApologetiXAlbum: Apologetix Classics: The 60's
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Apologetix Classics: The 60's
Artist: ApologetiX- The Sounds of Silas (Parody of "The Sounds of Silence" By Simon
- Monkey Scheme (Parody of "(Theme From) The Monkees" By The Monkees)
- Crowd of Foreign Girls (Parody of "California Girls" By The Beach Boys)
- Revelation Man (Parody of "Secret Agent Man" By Johnny Rivers)
- Mediterranean Wholebook News (Parody of "Subterranean Homesick Blues" By Bob Dylan)
- Regeneration (Parody of "My Generation" By The Who)
- Did You Ever Ask Where Cain Got His Wife? (Parody of "Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?" By Lo
- Back In the New Testament (Parody of "Back In the U.S.S.R." By The Beatles)
- Two-Time Baby/lord'shouse Blues (Parody of "Love Me Two Times/roadhouse Blues" By The Doors)
- Good Guys, Bad Guys (Parody of "Good Times, Bad Times" By Led Zeppelin)
- Born-Again Child (Parody of "Born to Be Wild" By Steppenwolf)
- Donkey Talked With Him (Parody of "Honky Tonk Women" By The Rolling Stones)
- Bad Dude Risin' (Parody of "Bad Moon Risin'" By Ccr)
- Armageddon Valley Someday (Parody of "Pleasant Valley Sunday" By The Monkees)
- Revelation (Parody of "Revolution" By The Beatles)
- Jesus (Sermon On the Mount) (Parody of "Venus" By Shocking Blue)
- Temple Physician (Parody of "Pinball Wizard" By The Who)
- Help Me, Rhoda (Parody of "Help Me, Rhonda" By The Beach Boys)
- Trinity (Parody of "Thank You" By Led Zeppelin)