"The Mantle Passes - The Statue of Moroni"
by Arlen CardAlbum: The Mountain of the Lord (Original Music Soundtrac
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The Mountain of the Lord (Original Music Soundtrac
Artist: Arlen Card- Main Title - Settling the Valley
- In the Prophet's Home
- Wilford and Phoebe - Temple in Flames
- The Labor Commences
- William, Did You Hear Me? - Truman Angel in Europe
- Brigham Lays the Cornerstone
- Winter Work
- Under the Stars (In Original Version of Film)
- Burying the Foundation - Johnston's Army
- Stone Work
- Cracks in the Foundation
- The Accident - The Blessing
- Always Right - Evening Prayer
- Phoebe's Passing
- The Hearts of the Children
- The Mantle Passes - The Statue of Moroni
- The Capstone Ceremony (Excerpt from Evan Stephens' "Hosanna Anthem")
- The Unveiling
- Completing the Interior
- I Wish You Could Join Us - Finale