Album Tracks
More Mantra Made Easy
Artist: Barbara Iwowo, Yan White
  1. Mantra to Increase Intuition: Introduction
  2. Om Gaja Karna Kaya Namaha: Chant
  3. Mantra to Remove the Obstacles to Attraction
  4. Om Gum Padma Soondhar Yei: Chant
  5. Mantra for Health: Introduction
  6. Markandaya Mantra: Chant
  7. Planetary Mantras: Introduction
  8. Sun Mantra for Confidence: Introduction
  9. Om Suryaya Namaha: Chant
  10. Moon Mantra to Balance the Emotions: Introduction
  11. Om Chandra Ya Namaha: Chant
  12. Mantra of Mercury for Communication and Clarity: Introduction
  13. Om Budhaya Namaha: Chant
  14. Saturn Mantra: Introduction
  15. Om Sri Shan: Chant (Saturn Mantra for Age 27 Plus)
  16. Om Sri Shan: Introduction (Saturn Mantra : [For Ages Under 27)
  17. Om Sri Shan: Chant (Saturn Mantra for Ages Under 27)
  18. Jupiter Mantra for Good Luck: Introduction
  19. Om Gurave Namaha: Chant
  20. Venus Mantra for Love, Beauty and Wealth: Introduction
  21. Om Shukraya Namaha: Chant
  22. Mantras to Transform Inner Conditions: Introduction, Pt. 1
  23. Mantra to Transform Fear (Bhaya): Introduction
  24. Shante Prashante Sarva Bhaya: Chant, Pt. 1
  25. Mantra to Transform Grief (Shoka): Introduction
  26. Shante Prashante Sarva Shoka: Chant, Pt. 1
  27. Mantra to Transform Sadness (Vishada): Introduction
  28. Shante Prashante Sarva Vishada: Chant, Pt. 1
  29. Mantra to Transform Shame (Laja): Introduction
  30. Shante Prashante Sarva Laja: Chant, Pt. 1
  31. Mantra to Transform Dejection
  32. Shante Prashante Sarva Kheda: Chant, Pt. 1
  33. Mantra to Transform Jealousy (Irsha) : Introduction
  34. Shante Prashante Sarva Irsha: Chant, Pt. 1
  35. Mantra to Transform Arrogance (Dambha): Introduction
  36. Shante Prashante Sarva Dambha: Chant, Pt. 1
  37. Mantra to Transform Anger (Krodha): Introduction
  38. Shante Prashante Sarva Krodha: Chant, Pt. 1
  39. Mantras to Transform Inner Conditions: Introduction, Pt. 2
  40. Om Shree Maha (to Transform Inner Conditions): Chant, Pt. 2
  41. Mantras to Transform Inner Conditions :Introduction, Pt. 3
  42. Om Shanti Shanti (to Transform Inner Conditions): Chant, Pt. 3
  43. Mantra for Happiness on the Earth Plane: Introduction
  44. Om Shambu Devaya Namaha: Chant
  45. To Remove the Obstacles to Creating a Stable Relationship: Introduction
  46. Om Gum Varada Gana: Chant
  47. Mantra to Remove the Obstacles to Attracting a Relationship: Introduction
  48. Om Gum Radha Krishnaya Namaha: Chant
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"Om Sri Shan: Chant (Saturn Mantra for Ages Under 27)"

by Barbara Iwowo, Yan White
Album: More Mantra Made Easy

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Album Tracks
More Mantra Made Easy
Artist: Barbara Iwowo, Yan White
  1. Mantra to Increase Intuition: Introduction
  2. Om Gaja Karna Kaya Namaha: Chant
  3. Mantra to Remove the Obstacles to Attraction
  4. Om Gum Padma Soondhar Yei: Chant
  5. Mantra for Health: Introduction
  6. Markandaya Mantra: Chant
  7. Planetary Mantras: Introduction
  8. Sun Mantra for Confidence: Introduction
  9. Om Suryaya Namaha: Chant
  10. Moon Mantra to Balance the Emotions: Introduction
  11. Om Chandra Ya Namaha: Chant
  12. Mantra of Mercury for Communication and Clarity: Introduction
  13. Om Budhaya Namaha: Chant
  14. Saturn Mantra: Introduction
  15. Om Sri Shan: Chant (Saturn Mantra for Age 27 Plus)
  16. Om Sri Shan: Introduction (Saturn Mantra : [For Ages Under 27)
  17. Om Sri Shan: Chant (Saturn Mantra for Ages Under 27)
  18. Jupiter Mantra for Good Luck: Introduction
  19. Om Gurave Namaha: Chant
  20. Venus Mantra for Love, Beauty and Wealth: Introduction
  21. Om Shukraya Namaha: Chant
  22. Mantras to Transform Inner Conditions: Introduction, Pt. 1
  23. Mantra to Transform Fear (Bhaya): Introduction
  24. Shante Prashante Sarva Bhaya: Chant, Pt. 1
  25. Mantra to Transform Grief (Shoka): Introduction
  26. Shante Prashante Sarva Shoka: Chant, Pt. 1
  27. Mantra to Transform Sadness (Vishada): Introduction
  28. Shante Prashante Sarva Vishada: Chant, Pt. 1
  29. Mantra to Transform Shame (Laja): Introduction
  30. Shante Prashante Sarva Laja: Chant, Pt. 1
  31. Mantra to Transform Dejection
  32. Shante Prashante Sarva Kheda: Chant, Pt. 1
  33. Mantra to Transform Jealousy (Irsha) : Introduction
  34. Shante Prashante Sarva Irsha: Chant, Pt. 1
  35. Mantra to Transform Arrogance (Dambha): Introduction
  36. Shante Prashante Sarva Dambha: Chant, Pt. 1
  37. Mantra to Transform Anger (Krodha): Introduction
  38. Shante Prashante Sarva Krodha: Chant, Pt. 1
  39. Mantras to Transform Inner Conditions: Introduction, Pt. 2
  40. Om Shree Maha (to Transform Inner Conditions): Chant, Pt. 2
  41. Mantras to Transform Inner Conditions :Introduction, Pt. 3
  42. Om Shanti Shanti (to Transform Inner Conditions): Chant, Pt. 3
  43. Mantra for Happiness on the Earth Plane: Introduction
  44. Om Shambu Devaya Namaha: Chant
  45. To Remove the Obstacles to Creating a Stable Relationship: Introduction
  46. Om Gum Varada Gana: Chant
  47. Mantra to Remove the Obstacles to Attracting a Relationship: Introduction
  48. Om Gum Radha Krishnaya Namaha: Chant
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