Seven years later, I'm still at war: the flesh and the spirit try to even the score,
I thought in time it would go away, but the fight gets stronger day after day, yeah.
I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna shout - I'm the one that wins, without a doubt,
The victory's mine in this inner war, and I won't be a slave to the flesh no more.
I do the things I don't want to do, the good in me fights to come through,
It took some time but I realised that when I don't sin, baby, I'm satisfied.
I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna shout - I'm the one that wins, without a doubt,
The victory's mine in this inner war, and I won't be a slave to the flesh no more, no.
Inner war.
Seven years later, I'm still at war,
My flesh says yes, but I say no.
I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna shout - I'm the one that wins, without a doubt,
The victory's mine in this inner war, and I won't be a slave to the flesh no more.
I'm on my knees asking right from wrong - I look to the God who makes me strong, alright,
I don't live in fear of what I do: I got a spirit of fire that knows the rules, knows the rules.
I'm gonna scream, I'm gonna shout - I'm the one that wins, without a doubt,
The victory's mine in this inner war, and I won't be a slave to the flesh no more, no.