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God has blessed you and He will continue to.
Build A Bridge
Artist: Bill and Gloria Gaither- I Thank The Lord with Alicia Williamson Dorinda Clark Cole
- Great Is The Lord with The Martins
- Thank You with The Katinas
- Build A Bridge with Alvin Slaughter
- New Home with The Barrett Sisters
- Get Away Jordan with Jessy Dixon
- Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus with Cynthia Clawson
- I Need You Now with Smokie Norful
- We Need A Word From The Lord with Shirley Murdock
- I Go To The Rock with Dottie Rambo Albertina Walker
- Greater Is He In Me with The Crabb Family
- Mementos with El Trio De Hoy
- O How I Love Jesus Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know His Name Is Wonderful with Vestal Goodman
- Touch with Benjamin Gaither
- Faith with Cissy Houston
- Keep Walkin On with Jeff Sheri Easter
- Tis So Sweet with Dorinda Clark Cole
- Can t Nobody Do Me Like Jesus with Beverly Crawford
- Let Freedom Ring with The Gaither Vocal Band