apple of your eye apple of your eye
but you can see right through
let faith be like a wedding ring
that binds my heart to You
pearl of great price pearl of great price
the billboards' they're all lies
the world will search and substitute
for what never satisfies
there is no shadow of turning with Thee
when the waves of my sin were rolling over me
grow ye never weary grow ye never weary
of doing all the good you wanna do
keep your hands unto the plow
and He will see you through
closer than a brother closer than a brother
so when that golden trumpet finally sounds
you will bring the flower forth
from the seed buried in the ground
bring me to the shore bring me to the shore
where there's no more despair or night
all the tears get washed away
from those apples of Your eyes
and all the tears get washed away
from those apples of Your eyes
and all the tears get washed away
from those apples of Your eyes