Song Lyrics

"Job 26"

by branch
Album: Desperate For Real

Job 26

Verse 1
You have hung the earth on nothing
Spreading it over empty space
You have wrapped the waters up in Your clouds
By Your breath, You clear the skies

Bridge 1
And on and on and on we go
Singing of Your wonderful works

Chorus 1
These are but the outskirts of Your glory
This is just a whisper of Your power
Who could understand Your thunder
A burst of light declaring out loud
That You are here, You are here

Verse 2
You have set the boundaries
Between light and darkness
You have stirred the oceans by Your power
The heavens shake at Your rebuke

Bridge 2
We've hardly scratched the surface
We've barely heard Your greatness
Give us more of You
We've scarcely known You're power
We've hardly seen Your glory
Give us more of You

CCLI Song No. 4119542
? 2005 Rooted Publishing ASCAP
Steven Patterson
CCLI License No. 697120

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