This is the revolution
This is the revolution
He is the solution
To this broken world
Final resolution
Two thousand years we've known
Longed and feared the war, "Dusk fights dawn!"
Stories were told to guide us through the storm
With providence in hand, we are sent to fight so
Stand in a line
The war's begun
Tightly grasp your heavenly gun
As sweat pours down your face
Bombs of lust and greed
Overwhelm this place
You realize you're not the last man
To be lying behind bags of spiritual sand
But beside you lies
The Son of Man
Comfort fills your bones
As we take this last stand
He surrounds us with angels in the battle field
Prepare to charge, man your guns
Get ready to fight for love
Peace is an option that we'll never get
Unless we stand up, and never give up!
This is a perfect ending of the perfect beginning