When all of my ambitions are my failures
Everyone looks and watches me fall
My pride is what's hovering on my shoulders
It's scouting out the moment to hull
I'm alone in my tears in my bedroom
Will someone find me here
When death comes my way
I can't feel it
It scares me when I see it
Alone in my midst
When all the world laughs
Some are praying
And God Himself is saying
Here is my hand
That's when the enemy creeps in
And tries to make my mind a blur
But I know there's someone else who's waiting
Ready to pull me out of my tears
I felt a wind blowing on my shoulders
I'm humbled and I see
When life comes my way I can feel it
It stirs me when I see it
With God in my midst
His finger presses in and all are watching
A miracle in the making
My life in God's hands
When I'm left alone now I will cry out
To the One that is no doubt all my spirit needs
It's freedom and deliverance in Jesus
And a love that exceeds us
My life in God's hands
My life, My life in God's hands
When life comes my way I can feel it
It stirs me when I see it
With God in my midst
When life comes my way I can feel it
It stirs me when I see it
With God in my midst
It's freedom and deliverance in Jesus
And a love that exceeds us
My life in God's hands