Bird's have their nests, foxes have their holes,
I have no place to lay my head.
Bird's have their nests, foxes have their holes,
I have no place to lay my head,
I been, forty days, tempted by the devil, like a reed shaking in the wind.
Wheels of time are like caffeine,
Pass this cup from me,
Kneeling in the tears that drop like blood,
My face is the glow of destiny.
Mamma, say a prayer for me.
I heard the devil speak like tongues as he left the throne of grace,
I felt the wisdom of the ages, but he never showed his face.
He danced on the head of the cross,
Lost his footing and he fell,
Stole a kiss from Jesus,
Burned his lips, snow-white pale.
Mamma, say a prayer for me.
Mamma, say a prayer for me,
Mamma, say a prayer for me,
Mamma, say a prayer for me,
Mamma, say a prayer for me,
Mamma, say a prayer for me,
Mamma, say a prayer for me,