Contradiction is the word which best suits this life
A life of right and wrong, where wrong
is twisted into right (Romans 1:18)
The heart is exploding and the mind is
racing (James 4:14)
And we find ourselves running out of
human breath (Proverbs 10:27; Isaiah 1:5)
The stale life of routine wavers and stagnates
And we experiment and toil in the fertile ground
The answers are seldom given to unpopular questions
Justify our hearts by what we selfishly
hope to achieve (Job 9:20)
I will live my life
Under the blood (Exodus 33:22; 12:7; 1 Peter 1:2)
All signs point deliberately the other
way (Ephesians 4:14; Matthew 7:13)
The road is slow and misery will be our
company (Ecclesiastes 8:6)
For to find true peace in this life we
must forsake
All reason and conscience and cleave
to God's faith
Peace comes from above (John 14:27)
I have found no other
If we remove ourselves from that
hope (Galatians 1:16)
Can love truly prevail'

The Organic Years
Artist: Bride- I Hear A Word
- Intro
- I Ain t Coming Down
- Why Won t He Break
- If I Told You It Was The End Of The World
- I Found God
- Closer To The Center Of The Earth
- Tomorrow Makes No Sense
- Day By Day
- Spirit
- It Is Only When I m Left Alone
- God s Human Oddities
- Under The Blood
- Die A Little Bit Every Day
- Restore Me
- I Love You
- The Worm
- End
- I Live For You
- Follow Me
- Tell Me
- Love Hate
- Human Race
- Cosmic Christ
- The World I Know