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The Shorter Catechism Vol.1
Artist: Bruce Benedict- 1. What Is the Chief End of Man?
- 2. What Rule Hath God Given to Direct Us How We May Glorify And
- 3. What Do the Scriptures Principally Teach?
- 4. What Is God?
- 5. Are There More Gods Than One?
- 6. How Many Persons Are There in the Godhead?
- 7. What Are the Decrees of God?
- 8. How Doth God Execute His Decrees?
- 9.What Is the Work of Creation?
- 10. How Did God Create Man?
- 11. What Are God
- 11. What are God's works of providence?
- 12. What Special Act of Providence Did God Exercise Toward Man I
- 13. Did Our First Parents Continue in the Estate Wherein They We
- 14. What Is Sin?
- 15. What Was the Sin Whereby Our First Parents Fell From the Est
- 16. Did All Mankind Fall in Adam
- 16. Did all mankind fall in Adam's first transgression?
- 17. Into What Estate Did the Fall Bring Mankind?
- 18. Wherein Consists the Sinfulness of That Estate Whereinto Man
- 19. What Is the Misery of That Estate Whereinto Man Fell?
- 20. Did God Leave All Mankind to Perish in the Estate of Sin And
- 21. Who Is the Redeemer of God
- 22.How Did Christ, Being the Son of God, Become Man?
- 23.What Offices Doth Christ Execute As Our Redeemer?
- 24.How Doth Christ Execute the Office of a Prophet?
- 25.How Doth Christ Execute the Office of a Priest?
- 26.How Doth Christ Execute the Office of a King?
- 27.Wherein Did Christ
- 28.Wherein Consisteth Christ
- 29.How Are We Made Partakers of the Redemption Purchased By Chri
- 30.How Doth the Spirit Apply to Us the Redemption Purchased By C
- 31.What Is Effectual Calling?
- 32.What Benefits Do They That Are Effectually Called Partake Of
- 33.What Is Justification?
- 34.What Is Adoption?
- 35.What Is Sanctification?
- 36.What Are the Benefits Which in This Life Do Accompany or Flow
- 37.What Benefits Do Believers Receive From Christ At Death?
- 38.What Benefits Do Believers Receive From Christ At the Resurre