Stir up you're fire
Stir up you're power
Let it arise within me
Let it arise within me
God broke in so you can break out
He came in so you can get out
It's not about whats on the outside
But it's about affecting the inside
That changes the outside
The gospel was not made to sit in four small walls
but it was made to break out.
Do we not understand the Jesus is not hanging on the cross, weak and defeated; that he's sitting on a thrown as a great and mighty savior.
Job said it this way: He said:
My ears have heard of you, but now my eyes see you.
Therefor I despise myself, I repent in dust and ashes.
Daniel said it this way:
He said His body was like a Chrystal light.
His face was like lighting.
His eyes were like flaming torches.
His arms, and legs they gleamed like burnished bronze.
And His voice was like the multitude.
That's why Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral between to candles
Or a Chapel between to little podiums
But He was crucified on a cross, between two thieves, on a hill called Golgotha place of the skull.
And it was so multicultural they had to write His Title in Three different languages.
You see Jesus was crucified in a place were sinners mock.
Sometimes we are still working in the power of the defeated Lord of our minds.
The defeated Lord of religion.
See we gotta break down these walls
and we gotta get real and say:
The bomb is not going to detonate from was on the outside but from whats on the inside.
And today I need to reveal the inside
So He can break in to break me out
I guess the disciples have not heard when they where learning about Isaiah 40 chapter: 28 through 31.
It says this:
"Do you not know'
Have you not heard'
The Lord is the everlasting God
He is the everlasting God
From beginning to end
He never runs out never expires
You don't have to worry today if
He's on the thrown, cause He is on the thrown
He will will not grow tired or weary
His understanding, no one can fathom."
See He had a different plan,
that He would break in so He can break out of our hearts.
That He would not just come upon us for a moment
That He would live inside of us, that He would take up residence in who we are
That everywhere we go it would be break out, all the time.
The body of Christ lives inside you today
But i wonder what is covering it up.
Because God said the only way to uncover who He is, is to take off who you are and He will be revealed.
The only way is through crushing, and breaking, and molding, and shaping, and in that moment Jesus is revealed.
Whats stopping us from revealing him'
Whats hiding our salvation under our lamp'
What is stopping us from revealing who He is in our lives'
It's time, today to unveil the thing that's always been there and always be.
It's time to unveil God, so He can break in to break us out.
I think its time as Christians that we start learning that we've learned to praise on the wrong side of the problem. When it all gets worked out we can shout that God is big and He is powerful
but were not going into it'
I don't know so much if he's on he thrown anymore
We gotta break on in,
we gotta start being a church that, hey man i don't have any money,
The coberts are empty but praise God anyway.
We gotta be a Generation that starts praising God at the begging,
But not the end.