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Come, O Sabbath Day!
Artist: Cantor Erik Contzius- Come, O Sabbath Day! (Music)
- As the Sabbath Descends Upon Us
- Blessing of the Sabbath Candles (Music)
- We Praise You Eternal God (Who Commands Us to Kindle the Sabbath Lights)
- Tov L
- The Week of Toil Has Ended
- Bar
- God, How Can We Know You?
- Shema (Music)
- You Shall Love the Eternal (Music)
- You Alone Are God
- Mi Chamocha (Music)
- Cause Us to Lie Down in Peace
- Cause Us to Lie Down in Peace (Music)
- The People of Israel Shall Keep the Sabbath
- V
- We Praise You, God of Our Mothers and Fathers
- Shalom Rav (Music)
- Mi Shebeirach A
- Mi Shebeirach (Music)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (23rd Psalm)
- May the Words (Music)
- Halleluyah! (Psalm 150) [Music]
- O God, Bless This Land (Prayer for Our Nation)
- Hineih Mah Tov (Music)
- Adoration: Let Us Adore the Everliving God
- Adoration (Music)
- May the Time Not Be Distant, O God
- On That Day the Eternal Shall Be One (Music)
- Introduction to the Kaddish (Mourners
- Oseh Shalom (Music)
- Kiddush: Blessing Over the Wine
- Kiddush: Blessing Over the Wine (Music)
- Adon Olam: The God of All (Introduction)
- Adon Olam (Closing Hymn)
- Benediction (May God Bless Us and Keep Us)
- Acknowledgements
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