"Lumen Ad Revelationem and Nunc Dimittis - Hymn for February 2nd Antiphony and Canticum Simeonis Luke"
by capella antiqua M?nchen, Konrad RuhlandAlbum: Gregorian Chants
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Gregorian Chants
Artist: capella antiqua M?nchen, Konrad Ruhland- Conditor Alme Siderum - Evening Hymn for Advent
- Nato Canunt Omnia - Sequence for Christmas
- Cum Natus Esset Jesus - Matthew, Chapter 2 for Epiphany, 1-3 Voices
- Lumen Ad Revelationem and Nunc Dimittis - Hymn for February 2nd Antiphony and Canticum Simeonis Luke
- Mittit Ad Virginem
- O Redemptor Sume Carmen - Hymn for Holy Thursday, Response and Verses
- Surrexit Dominus Vere - Response and Psalm 94
- Ad Coenam Agni Providi - Evening Hymn for Easter
- Veni Sancte Spiritus - Sequence for Pentecost
- Kyrie Fons Bonitatis
- Aeterne Rerum Conditor
- Te Deum Laudamus - Tonus Simplex, Ambrosian Hymn