Now Jericho was tightly shut up
Because of the children of Israel
None went out
And none came in
And the Lord said unto Joshua,
See, I have given unto thine hand Jericho
And the king thereof and the mighty men of valor
And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war
And go round about the city once
Thus shalt thou do six days
And seven priests shall bear before the ark
seven trumpets of rams horns
And the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times
and the priests shall blow the trumpets
and it shall come to past
that when they make a long blast with the rams horn
and when ye hear the sound of the trumpet
all the people shall shout with a great shout
and the wall of the city shall fall down flat
and the people shall ascend up every man straight before him
For the Lord hath said unto Joshua
Shout for I have given you the city
The inhabitants of Jericho were perverted by sin and corrupt
Surrounded by walls so thick that chariots raced on top
With ladders, catapolts and spearheads readied and blazing in the sun
The armies of Israel stood ready for commands of war to come
For thirty nine years Joshua was trained under Moses' righteous hand
And it was Joshua who led nearly three million Israelites
Into the promised land
Now Moses was dead and the real test came
Could he simply follow God's word
And do something that to the natural mind
Would be utterly absurd
Without Moses to ask advice of
Or an advisory committee
God said the walls will fall
Just tell them shout for I have given you the city
Now God was putting in operation a principle of war
Setting at our disposal weaponry that drops deamons to the floor
Something with tremendous power that assassinates fear and doubt
It's the high praises of victory unleashed by a shout
When David played his songs of praise, demons fled from Saul
As Paul and Silas worshipped God, the chains began to fall
It lifts us above the circumstance and lets God's power flow
The shout of victory binds the devil with chains that won't let go
So with the confidence of warring angels
Israel stood stone ready
To obey Joshua, speak to their mountain
And shout for God was giving them the city
Six days they marched around Jericho and the last day they marched seven
While the Canaanites jeered from their evil walls
Israel's faith reached Heaven
Before any manifestation, with every brick still in place
Eyeball to eyeball they looked fear dead in its face
They didn't wait to feel some earthquake or to see a lightening flash
They didn't need to hear a theatric rumble or a mind blowing crash
They prepared their souls for victory
Now its God's turn to come through
They'd scream their lungs out
Simply because...they believed
God's word was true.
So, with the high praises of God in their mouths,
Came a massive...there came a volcanic sound
And Israel shouted in victory
And they shouted in faith
And the walls came tumbling down
Now this is where we come in
Now how many know the annointing breaks the yokes of the bondages of sin
Sin cant survive in the annointed moving spontaneous praise of men
The devils tormented sickness can't function
when we worship and when we pray
Cause the church of the Living God is still alive and well today
Now how many here within the sound of my voice
Are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ
Are you ready to tear down walls that have held you captive tonight'
Are you sick and tired of being down and out
and you want to be up and coming'
You're ready to ransack the kingdom of darkness and set some devils running'
You ready to let some strongholds fall that have never fallen before'
How many know 'Its not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit' says the Lord
Then in the name of Jesus Christ I challenge you tonight
And I dare you
I said...I dare you
To forget the person next to you and trails you've been in
Forget religious do's and don'ts and traditions made of men
And with a shout of victory on your lips with praise declaring war
To leap up on your feet right now and
Make a joyful noise and praise the Lord!
We worship You
We worship You
We worship You, Christ the Lord
We worship You
(Come on praise Him tonight)
We worship You
We worship You, Christ the Lord
(Put on the garment of praise, for the spirit of heaviness, lift up your voice and sing)
We worship You
We worship You
We worship You, Christ the Lord

Radically Saved-Live
Artist: Carman- I ve Been Delivered
- Lord of All
- Radically Saved
- No Way We Are Not Ashamed
- Soap Song
- Celebrating Jesus
- Bless God
- Jericho The Shout of Victory
- I Feel Jesus
- God of All Nations Medley