Have you heard about this Jesus did you know He was crucified
Did you know that you're the reason He came to earth and died
You say He was just a good man maybe he was a king
But I know He's the Son of God and ruler of everything
He's alive and well in the world today
He's in my heart and He's there to stay
Come on let me show you the way
I heard about this Jesus many years ago
He's made the change in my life and I've got to let you know
Though I'm still a sinner I'm free from all sins shame
There's a book in heaven for those who've been forgiven and in it you'll find my name
Doesn't matter who you are or what you've done
Jesus came and died for everyone
That means you that means me
His own blood has set me free
Now you've heard about this Jesus what what He's done for you
I've got one more question what you are you going to do
Forever in hell for going your own way
OR eternity with Jesus Christ give him your life today

Really Great Sinners
Artist: Casting Pearls- X Ray Vision
- Pretty Flower
- Healer
- Crux
- Good To Me
- Jesus Eyes
- Too Many Miles
- Have You Heard
- Shield
- Plead
- Canon In D