"Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy Be On Us)"
by Catholic Music InitiativeAlbum: CMI Psalms (Ordinary Time I, Year C)
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CMI Psalms (Ordinary Time I, Year C)
Artist: Catholic Music Initiative- Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 34: Taste and See)
- Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 34: Taste and See)
- Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 15: The One Who Does Justice)
- Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 146: Praise The Lord, My Soul)
- Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 116: I Will Walk Before The Lord)
- Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 54: The Lord Upholds My Life)
- Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 19: The Precepts Of The Lord)
- Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 128: May The Lord Bless Us)
- Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 90: Fill Us With Your Love, O Lord)
- Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 33: Lord, Let Your Mercy Be On Us)
- Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 126: The Lord Has Done Great Things For Us)
- Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 18: I Love You Lord, My Strength)
- Solemnity of All Saints (Psalm 24: Lord, This Is The People)
- Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 146: Praise The Lord, My Soul)
- Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Psalm 16: You Are My Inheritance, O Lord)
- Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Psalm 93: The Lord Is King)
- Thanksgiving Day (Psalm 145: I Will Praise Your Name)