Kneeling Moustafa's praying: "Allah shall be praised
Send Your angels, keep me brave
As I face this mission
Now into battle as I fight the infidels
Let my efforts serve you well
If I can't make them believe in You I'll
Die trying I will die trying
With my soul smiling I will die trying"
Cleaning his rifle Corporal Wilson turns around
Cause he thought he heard a sound
That was vaguely threatening
Picks up a pen and writes "I really miss you, Mom
Yesterday there was a bomb that hit
Close, I hope we win but I may
Die trying I could die trying
With my soul crying I could die trying"
Kneeling Regina puts her Bible on the bed
As this war goes through her head
She is really frightened
Still she says: "Lord it's not my lot to be afraid
All my life you know I've made
Efforts to be like You
I'm not yet like You
But Dear Lord I promise I will
Die trying I will die trying
With my soul sighing I will die trying
I will die trying I will die trying
With my soul crying I will die trying