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Video Game Music: The Best Of
Artist: Celestial Aeon Project- Kuldahar theme (from "Icewind Dale")
- Somnus (From "Final Fantasy XV")
- Song of Healing (From "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask")
- Shadowbringers Main Theme (From "Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers")
- Octopath Traveler Main Theme (From "Octopath Traveler")
- A Place to Call Home (From "Final Fantasy IX")
- Gentle Blade (From "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice")
- Seliana Day Theme (from "Monster Hunter World Iceborne")
- Devils Never Cry (From "Devil May Cry 3")
- Flowers Blooming in the Church (From "Final Fantasy 7 / Final Fantasy VII Remake")
- Fallout 4 Main Theme
- The Streets of Whiterun
- Besaid Island (From "Final Fantasy X")
- Between Heaven and Earth (From "Fire Emblem: Three Houses")
- Aerie's Romance (From "Baldur's Gate 2")
- Viconia's Theme (From "Baldur's Gate 2")
- City Gates (From "Baldur's Gate 2")
- Jaheira's Theme (Romance From "Baldur's Gate 2")
- The Friendly Arm Inn (From "Baldur's Gate")
- Sedge Tree (From "Shenmue")
- Gwyn, Lord of Cinder (From "Dark Souls")
- Annah's Theme (From "Planescape: Torment")
- Deionarra's Theme (From "Planescape: Torment")
- Fall-From-Grace Theme (From "Planescape: Torment")
- Smoldering Corpse Bar (From "Planescape: Torment")
- Can't Hold Me Down (From "Borderlands 3 Trailer")
- Can't Remove The Pain (From "Ultima VI: The False Prophet") [Menu Theme]
- Chippin' In (From "Cyberpunk 2077") [Music Box Version]
- Corridors of Time (From "Chrono Trigger")
- To Zanarkand (From "Final Fantasy X")
- Turk's Theme (From "Final Fantasy 7 Remake")
- Dearly Beloved (From "Kingdom Hearts")
- Deku Palace (From "The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask")
- Weight of the World (from "Nier: Automata")
- Vague Hope / Cold Rain (From "NieR: Automata")
- The Wind Waker Menu Select (From "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker")
- The Path: A New Beginning (From "The Last Of Us")
- The Outer Worlds Main Theme (From "The Outer Worlds")
- The Land Beloved By The Goddess (From "Fire Emblem Three Houses")
- Vigil (from "Mass Effect")
- The Timefall (From "Death Stranding")
- Face My Fears (from "Kingdom Hearts 3")
- Exploration Theme (from "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice")
- Main Theme (from "Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn")
- Elysium, In the Blue Sky (From "Xenoblade Chronicles 2")
- Suteki da Ne (From "Final Fantasy X")
- Eyes on Me (From "Final Fantasy VIII")
- Ezio's Family (From "Assassin's Creed 2")
- Main Theme (From "Ori and the Will of the Wisps")
- Save Room (Theme From "Resident Evil 4")
- F?dlan Winds (From "Fire Emblem Three Houses")
- Gerudo Valley (From "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
- Phantom and a Rose (From "Secret of Mana")
- Radical Dreamers (From "Chrono Cross")
- Main Theme (From "Chrono Trigger")
- Main Theme (From "Fire Emblem Three Houses")
- Minecraft (From "Minecraft Volume Alpha")
- Sweden (from "Minecraft Volume Alpha")
- Kaer Morhen (From "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt")
- Song of Storms (From "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time")
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps (from "Ori and the Will of the Wisps E3 trailer")
- Stones (From "Ultima IV")
- Tavern (From "World of Warcraft")
- Aerith's theme
- The Last Day / Judgement Day
- Luigi's Mansion 3 Main Theme (From "Luigi's Mansion 3")
- Jump Up, Super Star! (from "Super Mario Odyssey")
- Zelda's Lullaby
- Fields of Fire (Theme From "Shovel Knight - King of Cards")
- Fear of the Unknown (from "Celeste Farewell")
- Prince Sidon's Theme (From "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild")
- That's The Way It Is (Main Theme From "Red Dead Redemption 2")
- Super Mario Bros Theme
- K.K. Love Song (From "Animal Crossing")
- Animal Crossing New Horizons Main Theme
- Final Fantasy VII main theme
- Main Menu (From "Outer Wilds")
- Overwatch Victory Theme