"I Don't Wanna Be Me - Instrumental"
by Charlie Parra del RiegoAlbum: Rare Tracks and Covers: 2014-2018
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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Rare Tracks and Covers: 2014-2018
Artist: Charlie Parra del Riego- Popcorn Song - Instrumental
- Migatte No Gokui / Clash of Gods / The Final Death-Match (From "Dragon Ball Super") [Medley] [Instru
- Hot Rockin' / Hell Bent for Leather / Painkiller / Electric Eye / Breaking the Law (Medley) [Instrum
- Payback - Instrumental
- Juegos de Seduccion - Instrumental
- Rainbow in the Dark - Instrumental
- He's a Pirate (From "Pirates of the Caribbean") [Instrumental]
- Death the Philosopher - Instrumental
- Sandstorm - Instrumental
- Fear of the Dark / Ken Theme (From "Street Fighter II") [Mashup] [Instrumental]
- Theme (From "The Exorcist) / Theme [From "Halloween"] [Mashup] [Instrumental]
- Vampire Killer (From "Castlevania") [Instrumental]
- The Elephant Never Forgets (From "El Chavo del 8") [Instrumental]
- Theme (From "The Last of Us") [Instrumental]
- Hawaii Five-O (Theme From "Hawaii Five-O") [Instrumental]
- Stone Cold Steve Austin / D-Generation X / We're All Together Now (IWWE: Attitude Era Medley) [From
- I Don't Wanna Be Me - Instrumental