Album Tracks
Slavonic Liturgical Chant
Artist: Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne
  1. Easter Matins: Chiming and Procession
  2. Easter Matins: Beginning of Matins and the Easter Troparion
  3. Easter Matins: First Ode of the Canon and the Little Ecteny
  4. Easter Matins: Kontakion and Ikos
  5. Easter Matins: Exapostilarion (Three Versions)
  6. Easter Matins: Christos Anesti
  7. Divine Liturgy: Hymn of the Cherubim
  8. Vespers: First Cathisma of Vespers (Psalms 1 to 3)
  9. Monastic Profession: Penitential Troparion
  10. Priest/Deacon Ordination: Troparia
  11. Priest/Deacon Ordination: Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy)
  12. Priest/Deacon Ordination: Axios (He Is Worthy)
  13. Church Consecration: The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 22)
  14. Church Consecration: Three Hirmi Sung At the Procession With the Relics
  15. Church Consecration: Responsory Sung At the Door of the Church
  16. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Lucernary
  17. Vigil Service for the Dormition: First Sticheron
  18. Vigil Service for the Dormition: The Theotokion in the Eight Tones (Osmoglasnik)
  19. Vigil Service for the Dormition: O Gentle Light - The Evening Hymn to Christ
  20. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Prokimenon of Verspers, Tone 8 (Sunday)
  21. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Anavathmi
  22. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Prokimenon of Matins, Tone 4
  23. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Kontakion
  24. Vigil Service for the Dormition: 9th Ode of the Canon
  25. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Little Ecteny
  26. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Exapostilarion
  27. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Great Doxology
  28. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Troparion of the Feast
  29. Compline: Hymn to the Mother of God
Song Lyrics

"Church Consecration: Three Hirmi Sung At the Procession With the Relics"

by Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne
Album: Slavonic Liturgical Chant

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Album Tracks
Slavonic Liturgical Chant
Artist: Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne
  1. Easter Matins: Chiming and Procession
  2. Easter Matins: Beginning of Matins and the Easter Troparion
  3. Easter Matins: First Ode of the Canon and the Little Ecteny
  4. Easter Matins: Kontakion and Ikos
  5. Easter Matins: Exapostilarion (Three Versions)
  6. Easter Matins: Christos Anesti
  7. Divine Liturgy: Hymn of the Cherubim
  8. Vespers: First Cathisma of Vespers (Psalms 1 to 3)
  9. Monastic Profession: Penitential Troparion
  10. Priest/Deacon Ordination: Troparia
  11. Priest/Deacon Ordination: Kyrie Eleison (Lord, Have Mercy)
  12. Priest/Deacon Ordination: Axios (He Is Worthy)
  13. Church Consecration: The Lord Is My Shepherd (Psalm 22)
  14. Church Consecration: Three Hirmi Sung At the Procession With the Relics
  15. Church Consecration: Responsory Sung At the Door of the Church
  16. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Lucernary
  17. Vigil Service for the Dormition: First Sticheron
  18. Vigil Service for the Dormition: The Theotokion in the Eight Tones (Osmoglasnik)
  19. Vigil Service for the Dormition: O Gentle Light - The Evening Hymn to Christ
  20. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Prokimenon of Verspers, Tone 8 (Sunday)
  21. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Anavathmi
  22. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Prokimenon of Matins, Tone 4
  23. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Kontakion
  24. Vigil Service for the Dormition: 9th Ode of the Canon
  25. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Little Ecteny
  26. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Exapostilarion
  27. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Great Doxology
  28. Vigil Service for the Dormition: Troparion of the Feast
  29. Compline: Hymn to the Mother of God
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