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God has blessed you and He will continue to.

Artist: Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne- Simander
- Pascal Canon, Hirmos of the First Ode
- The Lucernary Stichology
- Pascal Canon, First Ode
- Joyous Light
- The First Canticle of Moses
- The Canticle of the Three Children in the Furnace
- As Many of You Have Been Baptised into Christ
- Prokimenon
- Arise, O Lord, And Judge the Earth"(Psalm 81)
- Great Entrance Hymn: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Hymn to the Mother of God: Weep Not for Me, O Mother
- Apolytikion 2nd Tone: When Thou Didst Descend Unto Death
- Midnight Bell Strikes
- Thy Resurrection, O Christ, Our Saviour (Clergy)
- Thy Resurrection, O Christ, Our Saviour (Choir)
- Procession
- Beginning of Matins and the Easter Troparion
- Entrance Procession into the Church
- The Litany of Peace