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Album Tracks
Great Lent
Artist: Choir of the Monks of Chevetogne- Psalm 136
- Great Prokimenon
- Litany of Demands
- Final Troparia at Lenten Vespers
- Typica: Beatitudes
- Great Compline:
- Great Compline: "God Is with Us"
- Great Compline: Stichera of Compunction, Tone 6
- Great Compline: "O Lord of Hosts" And Psalm 150
- Presanctified Liturgy:
- Presanctified Liturgy: "Let My Prayer Arise"
- Presanctified Liturgy: Hymn of the Great Entrance
- Presanctified Liturgy: Our Father
- Presanctified Liturgy: Communion Verse
- Great Canon: Irmos 1
- Great Canon: Irmos 2
- Great Canon: Irmos 3
- Sessional Hymns, Tone 8
- Great Canon: Irmos 4
- Great Canon: Irmos 5
- Great Canon: Irmos 6
- Great Canon: Kontakion
- Great Canon: Irmos 7
- Great Canon: Irmos 8
- Great Canon: Irmos 9
- Akathistos Hymn: Kontakion
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