"Feni Mi Os Anthropos, Erosomio Esperinou"
by Choir of Vatopedi FathersAlbum: O Evagelismos tis Yperargias Theotokou
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O Evagelismos tis Yperargias Theotokou
Artist: Choir of Vatopedi Fathers- Voulin Proeonion, Prosomio Esperinou
- Feni Mi Os Anthropos, Erosomio Esperinou
- Theos Opou Voulete, Prosomio Esperinou
- Apestali Ex Ouranou, Oktaiho Dihoro Doxastiko Esperinou
- To Ekto Mini, Idiomelo Litis
- Evaggelizete o Gabriil, Doxastiko Litis
- To Ekto Mini, Idiomelo Apostihon
- Glossan In Ouk Egno, Idiomelo Apostihon
- Idou I Anaklisis, Idiomelo Apostihon
- Simeron Tis Sotirias, Apolitikio
- O Megas Stratigos, Kathisma Protis Stihologias
- Simeron Apasa Ktisis, Kathisma Defteris Stihologias
- Gavriil Ex Ouranou, Kathisma Tritis Stihologias
- Proti Odi Kanona Me Katavasia
- Triti Odi Kanona Me Katavasia
- Kontakio, Ikos kai Sinaxari
- Enati Odi Kanona Me Katavasia
- Aggelikon Dinameon, Exapostilario
- Here Kataras Litrosis, Exapostilario
- Ton Ouranion Apsidon, Prosomio Enon
- O Gavriil ti Partheno, Prosomio Enon
- O Sinaidios Logos, Prosomio Enon
- To Ap Aionos Mistirion, Doxastiko Enon
- I Keharitomeni Here, Anagrammatismos tou Theotoke Parthene