guitar case always open
song after song that no one's heard
pages of journals written
with all my unlived dreams
i'm holding a ticket...while i'm sitting in this waiting room
so afraid to try
why am i so afraid to take the ride
through the unpredictable
stepping out where there's no floor
fingernails bit down to the quick...i can't go on like this
i want to walk on water through the deepest sea
i want to walk into your mystery
and i will walk through fire just to live my life for something greater
my greatest not to try
i've held my heart too close to be stolen
time after time i've turned away
so scared that if i open up you might just walk away
and i'm sitting alone here
in this fortress that i've made my home
so afraid to love...but even more afraid to be loved
though it seems impossible
stepping out where there's no floor
there's a world that i have missed...
i've got to take the risk
i've got to try--i've got to try
before i die...
life's too short to be hiding
love's a risk--a risk worth fighting for
i want to know how far my heart can go
i'll never know until i try
i've got to try--i've got to try--i've got to try

Artist: Christa Black- I m Still Here
- California Sunshine
- God Loves Ugly
- Stop
- The View
- Walk On Water
- Peace
- Forever