Song Lyrics

"You saved my soul"

by Christina Tarlev
Album: In the Name of Love

You saved my soul
Written and performed by Christina Tarlev
From the album “In the Name of Love”

Here we come at Your throne, Almighty God
And we praise You, Oh Lord, our Adonai
With our hearts full of thanks we rejoice,Oh-Oh
Here we come at Your throne Almighty God
And we praise You, Oh Lord, our Adonai
With our hearts full of thanks we rejoice
We sing praise to Your Name
You saved my soul
Delivered me from my iniquities
I will always sing
I will worship You my King
You saved my soul
Delivered me from my iniquities
I’ll forever ever sing
I will worship You my King,Oh Yeah
We’ll be glad and rejoice in You, Oh, Lord
And will tell of Your wonders and Your grace
Glory and honor and praise
We sing to Your Name
Yours is the power, unto You be all praise
We bring You honor and speak of Your grace
You’ve cancelled my sin, set me free from all guilt
Let all the world sing glory onto Thee
And Yours is the power, unto You be all praise
We bring You honor and speak of Your grace
You’ve cancelled my sin, set me free from all guilt
Let all the world sing glory to Your Name

Let all the world sing glory to Your Name

©Christina Tarlev

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