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Ani Judaism Audio Siddur, Vol. 1
Artist: Christopher Fredrickson- Introdiction to the Audio Siddur
- The Sh'ma
- The Tefillin Blessings (For Men Only)
- Prayer Before Putting On Tallit
- Shemoneh Esrei: Introduction Prayer
- Shemoneh Esrei: The G-d of History
- Shemoneh Esrei: The G-d of Nature
- Shemoneh Esrei: Sanctification of G-d
- Shemoneh Esrei: Prayer For Understanding
- Shemoneh Esrei: Prayer for Repentance
- Shemoneh Esrei: Prayer For Forgiveness
- Shemoneh Esrei: Deliverance from Affliction
- Shemoneh Esrei: Prayer for Healing
- Shemoneh Esrei: Deliverance from Want
- Shemoneh Esrei: Gathering of the Exiles
- Shemoneh Esrei: The Righteous Reign of G-d
- Shemoneh Esrei: The Righteous and the Converts
- Shemoneh Esrei: For the Rebuilding of Jerusalem
- Shemoneh Esrei: For the Messiah (Yeshua)
- Shemoneh Esrei: For the Answering of Prayer
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