I hear the river calling, I see the fountain flowing
I see the people running free
I see the city standing like a jeweled mountain
And the angel standing in the sun
The light is never ending, the gate is always open
The street appears as brillant gold
I hear the people singing praises to the Father
I drink new wine and I taste the air
I see the throne before me, I feel the warmth of sunlight
Across a field of velvet green
I touch the softness of a cloth of many colors
I see his face and I feel his love
Peace in the val........ley, peo...ple runnin free
Peace in the val........ley, peo...ple runnin free
Peace in the valley, peo.ple run..nin free
Peace in the val........ley, peo...ple runnin free
'1977 Dunamis Music