I am a soldier but I have no gun
I have my armor, it's the shield of the Son
I'm in the front line of an unknown war
Unknown to those who are dyin'
My weapons are designed to give you life
They're not the bullet or the Bowie knife
They are the softness of a Father's love
They are the wisdom that comes from above
When we were in the world the Devil had the power
We were slowly dyin' day by day
Now we found Jesus, we grow stronger by the hour
Stand on Jesus' name, the Devil, he cannot stay
We all are soldiers but we have no guns
We have our armor, it's the shield of the Son
We're in the front line of an unknown war
Unknown to those who are dyin'
A breastplate made of righteousness, the gospel on our feet
The belt of truth so firmly 'round our waist
Salvation is our helmet and our sword the word of God
And in our hands the mighty shield of faith
The weapon of the strength of unity
All men involved in common purpose
The bonds of love for the people who are cryin'
To give the life to the ones who are dyin'
To do the best we can to show you the answer
We only do the best we can
We only do the best we can